"Who am I?" is Google's most frequently searched "who" question. You're probably one of them, and you've been informed that the answers to the question may be buried among 240 billion search results. It is clear at least for me, there is no simple and straightforward answer to this question. However, over the course of human evolution on self understanding, the methods and tools used to aid in the exploration of "who am I" have undergone significant changes and adaptations. For example: Self-reflection, personality tests, psychoanalysis, neuroscience, and mindfulness. As the title suggests, let's delve into what personality tests are available and how accurate these tests are in regard to understanding ourselves.
Learning about various personality tests and the nature of each assessment. How accurate is personality test.
Understanding Dermatoglyphics - The study of fingerprints and their significance in identifying human personality, behaviour, and potential.
Strengths and limitations: Dermatoglyphics offers several benefits over other questionnaire-based assessments.

Who Am I?
Before we begin, let's take a moment to consider how well we know ourselves in terms of our personality. Why does personality matter? If you do a quick self-reflection right now, what type of personality do you think you have? And how do you think it might change in the future? Will you remember or recognize who you are in a year, ten years, or more?
And what about your family, friends, and others? Do you recognize their personalities or are you intrigued to discover more about them? Personality plays a crucial role in our lives and relationships, and understanding it can help us better experiences the world around us.
Who am I as observer, Who am I from observer?
If you answer these questions about yourself, you may notice that you either have a strong sense of self or feel like a stranger to yourself. In any case, the ultimate question is, what is the source of this sense of self? We often begin to seek answer to 'Who Am I' when we're struggling with changes in our life circumstances, or when we have doubts about our self-identity and self-worth, or when we're having communication difficulties with others. The most common way for people to learn more about themselves is through personality tests. They are used in a variety of contexts, such as personal development, education, career, relationships, and mental wellbeing.
Learning about various personality tests and the nature of each assessment.
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI): The MBTI is a personality assessment tool that identifies 16 different personality types based (example: 16personalities) on four different dichotomies: extraversion vs. introversion, sensing vs. intuition, thinking vs. feeling, and judging vs. perceiving. It is widely used in personal and professional settings to help individuals understand their own strengths and weaknesses, as well as how they interact with others.
Big Five Personality Traits: The Big Five Personality Traits model, also known as the Five Factor Model, identifies five key personality traits: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. This assessment is often used in academic and research settings to study personality and behaviour.
DISC Assessment: The DISC assessment is a personality test that measures four behavioural traits: dominance, influence, steadiness, and conscientiousness. It is often used in workplace settings to help individuals understand their communication and work styles.
Enneagram: The Enneagram is a personality system that identifies nine different personality types. It is often used in personal growth and self-awareness work to help individuals understand their motivations and behaviours.
What is the most accurate personality test? Have you ever experienced something like this: “When reading through the information about your personality from a test, you went through in your mind and said to yourself, “Oh, this is right,” “Nah, this is not me,” “Hm…maybe a little,” “Seriously, am I?” One may wonder: Is self-judgment and observation more accurate than the personality test? What is the most accurate personality test?
What is the most accurate personality test? The answer may lie in the source.
Each personality test has its own categorization model or theory based on different personality traits. Despite these differences, they all share a common methodology: a questionnaire-based approach (Feedback as source). The number of questions can range from a few to hundreds.
A significant concern with questionnaire-based personality tests is that the results may be inaccurate if the person lacks sufficient self-understanding (individuals may answer questions based on how they perceive themselves at the time of taking the test), the person's ability to fully comprehend the questions and answer them truthfully, whether the person has experienced the phenomenon (the timing of taking the test), and the person's motivation for taking the assessment (such as attempting to deceive employers by providing fake answers).
What does it mean if you take the same personality test multiple times and get different results? Is there a personality test that reveals your innate personality without the influence of unconscious and conscious biases? Could we find answers from our own bodies and DNA? New opportunity lies at our fingertips.
A new opportunity lies at our fingertips: the study of fingerprints, also known as Dermatoglyphics.
Dermatoglyphics - the study of fingerprints
What is dermatoglyphics?
Dermatoglyphics is the scientific study of ridge patterns on the fingertips, palms, soles, and toes, a term coined by Harold Cummins, an anatomist at Tulane University, in 1926. As early as 1684, Marcello Malpighi (1628-1694) noted the various ridge patterns, including spirals, ridges, and loops, on fingerprints in his treaties. While fingerprints are widely used for identification and criminal investigation, they can also reveal a great deal about a person. Over the decades, more than thousands scientific papers have been published on the significance of skin ridge patterns, including fingerprints, in fields such as anthropology, genetics, psychology, personality, brain science, behavioural science, and disease diagnosis. But why do fingerprints have connections to all of these and a person's personality?
Your fingerprints are a reflection of your genetic makeup and brain development in the womb.
The pattern of fingerprints is influenced by genetic and environmental factors and is established around the 19th week of gestation, remaining unchanged for the rest of life. Even identical twins, who share the same DNA, have unique fingerprints due to differences in the womb environment. During early human embryonic development, gastrulation leads to the formation of three germ layers (ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm), which give rise to the development of various organs, a process called organogenesis. The skin and nervous system (brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves) both originate from ectoderm.
The shared ectodermal origin of skin and brain, combined with the reflection of an individual's genetic makeup (we are all genetically unique except for identical twins) and environmental influences on skin ridges during intrauterine life, makes dermatoglyphics valuable in the study and diagnosis of some medical and genetic disorders, particularly those related to the brain (such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, autism, Alzheimer's disease, congenital mental retardation, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, and dyslexia).
Extensive research has also demonstrated a significant correlation between fingerprints and the brain, as skin ridges and the neocortex develop simultaneously during fetal development. This makes fingerprints informative for personality assessment, as human thoughts, feelings, and behaviours are rooted in the brain.
The connection between fingerprints and the brain, as well as one's personality and potential.
As the theory of dermatoglyphic and some studies suggested, each finger is related to different lobes and functions of the brain. Thumb: frontal lobe for thinking and imagination; Index: prefrontal lobe corresponds to mental ability; Middle: temporal lobe that governs Kinesthetics ability; Ring: temporal lobe that governs auditory perception; Little: occipital lobe for visual perception
Over the decades, thousands of studies involving statistics, tracking, recording, comparison, observation, and professional trials have shown that fingerprint analysis provides valuable insights into a person’s brain behaviour, tendencies in behaviour, feelings, and thoughts (personality), intelligence, preferred ways of perceiving information (learning styles), potential, and talents. All of these insights have formed the basis of what is now known as Dermatoglyphics Assessment.
TalentsTech® Dermatoglyphics Assessment

What type of fingerprint do you think you have? Follow below steps:
Review the characteristics above and identify which one you relate to the most.
Observe your fingerprints to see if they match the personality description.
Step 1 Review the characteristics above and identify which one you relate to the most.
Personalities based on four major fingerprint types (U,R,A,W).
W - The Bounder
Bounders are highly independent, steadfast, self-propelled and prefer to make their own decisions, rather than following the lead of others. Bounders are often highly confident and self-assured, with a strong sense of self-motivation and determination. They are driven by a desire to explore and push the boundaries of their own abilities and to preserve their belief or value, and are constantly seeking out opportunities to test themselves.
Often, they may also be prone to be decisive, impulsive, forthright and to-the-point which can lead to inflexible decision-making and their tendency to overlook the risk and consequences of their actions.
U - The Altruist
Altruists are people who value inner harmony and are concerned about the well-being of others. They are selfless yet cautiously caring, congenial and interacting with others, making them a trustworthy, approachable and dependable person. Altruists are always motivated by internalized values and genuine companionship, rather than by goals or personal gain.
Unless their personal values, morals, and inner safe space are affected or expected by others and the environment, altruists are typically levelheaded, very adaptable, accommodating and understanding of others’ viewpoints and feelings, yet this could make them become deliberate and overly cautious in decision making when it involves rules, barriers, and affecting others.
R - The Explorer Explorers are people who value their own uniqueness and are highly willing to try different life experiences. They are expressive yet deep-thinking, self-experiment, and fast reacting.
Unless their opinions, ideas, and interests are ground-breaking or unexpected by others and the social norm, explorers are always seeking for a unique perspective and independence.
Explorers are always motivated by new experiences, creativity, and spirituality , rather than sticking to the rules & routines even if it brings certainty. Despite their unique way of being, explorers seeking respect and inclusion have occasionally caused alternation of their nature.
A - The Artificer
Artificer values independence and often enjoys being alone and discreet. They are seeking a purpose for their life and may be drawn to spiritual and purpose-driven endeavours. They can be very forward-thinking, understanding of the big picture and constructive in their approach, but due to their desire for effectiveness and avoidance of rejection, they may appear overbearing or opinionated. Artificers are self-assured, particularly in their intuition, analytical, and deep-thinking abilities, and they are always driven to bring about change in themselves and others. They anticipate problems and are quick to take the initiative, as well as inventive and prudent in their solutions. They value astuteness and strategy, but they can be sensitive and self-conscious about emotional responses.
Step 2 Observe your fingerprints on your thumb and index fingers with below guideline to see if they match the personality description that you related with.

What is the most accurate personality test?
Strengths and limitations, dermatoglyphic assessment offers several benefits over other questionnaire-based assessments.
Fingerprint analysis assesses innate personality based on complex and very comprehensive biological information, going beyond personality alone by incorporating data about one's kinesthetics, auditory, and visual sensory systems, conscious and unconscious behaviour and collectively how all these formed our sense of self and self-knowledge. This provides significant benefits for the discovery of innate potential and talents.
Unlike personality tests that rely on questionnaires or self-reporting, fingerprint analysis consistently produces accurate results because it is not subjected to biases relating to self-understanding or observation. Additionally, since fingerprints do not change over time, the results are valid for a lifetime. This assessment is particularly beneficial for children, as it can be performed on individuals as young as 9-12 months old, providing parents and educators with valuable insights to better understand and support a child's development through effective parenting, nurturing, or early intervention.
However, the accuracy of fingerprint assessment is heavily dependent on the technology and methodology used by the assessment provider to precisely identify fingerprint types and ridge counts. Additionally, consultants or providers may provide misleading information or interpretation due to their knowledge and experience.
Now that we have it, what comes next?
We can never emphasise enough like any other personality test, fingerprint analysis is not intended to label or determine a person's fate. At TalentsTech, we believe that 'Everyone is Unique' In future blog posts, we will explore how insights from fingerprint assessment can aid in parenting, education, career development, and personal growth.
Through the journey of unfoldment, we turned curiosity to certainties - Dr. Sidney Ho